
Manage your vehicle with


Free for personal use

Keep track of tickets, traffic laws and manage costs.

Ứng dụng quản lý xe ô tô và tra cứu phạt nguội miễn phí HiCar

About HiCar

HiCar is a mobile app that helps drivers manage vehicles and traffic participation, developed by Magenest. With HiCar, users can search traffic laws quickly, consult useful information when driving, look up fines and be more proactive in each registration period, save and plan for the cost of using their vehicles.

Hicar: Tính năng nổi bật


Tính năng tra cứu phạt nguội và luật giao thông

Search anything

Look up traffic laws, fines and nearest gas stations, parking lots, garages.

Tính năng quản lý chi phí và tài khoản

Manage with ease

Manage usage costs and income of multiple vehicles on the same device.

Drive smarter.

Become a smart, proactive vehicle user when participating in traffic.

Look up fines & traffic regulations

Look up fines with your license plate.
Look up traffic laws & regulations with voice search.
Consult the community through regularly updated feed.
Hicar: Tra cứu phạt nguội và luật giao thông
Hicar: Tìm kiếm trạm xăng, bãi đỗ xe, garage gần nhất

Find the nearest facilities

Directions to parking lots with detailed time and distance
Easily search for gas stations and garages within close proximity
Quickly contact your destination with the touch of a button

Vehicle information & cost management

Easily manage and edit information of multiple media on the same device
Detailed reports on vehicle expenses and income, visualizing data in the form of charts
Plan your spending and use your means wisely with automatic reminders
Hicar: Quản lý thông tin và chi phí sử dụng phương tiện

Available on all platforms.